Saturday, May 22, 2010

Are you losing out on opportunity because of the seeds of doubt?

Are you looking for that genuine golden opportunity? Most of us certainly are. We want that "thing" that will allow us to change our lives, for the most part financially, so that we can live a better and more prosperous life. But so often when we come upon it, we get bombard with the "seeds of doubt" from family, friends and others. It is the "seeds of faith" that have changed peoples lives when all others are blind.

I think you will like the below video, where this MLM training expert talks about "seeds of doubt" could devestate you, where as the "seeds of faith" can provide you a grand empowerment to a better life. Pay particularly attention to the comments at about the 2:45 minute mark.

Crowd Sourcing International (CSI), has established a simple and legitimate NO Selling, Trying, Switching, or Using anything opportunity and it is revolutionizing the network marketing industry. Some have tried to put us down because we are different than what the industry has been acustom too; because we don't demand that you be another distributor/salesman. We just, quite simply, want you to provide the company general public data once a month. Don't be one of those that become victim to the seeds of doubt because CSI is a uniquely different opportunity.

"It's the simplest things in life that are the most extraodinary. Only wise men are able to understand them..." - from the book The Alchemist

I and many others have been successful with the CSI business becuase we understood that this was real and that anyone could do it. Who can't write down 10 public license plate data once a month? You can achieve the same when you have the seeds of faith.

Come see what CSI is all about, and decide for yourself if it is wise for you to take part in the most simplest networking marketing opportunity ever seen.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

CSI/Narc Technologies CEO responds to the unjust BBB report

[CSI and the] BBB Rating ?
by Billy Forester at 05 May, 2010 10:00 AM

"...We initially met with the BBB in February of this year and provided them with information and materials describing our business and the opportunity. That was followed over the next few weeks by telephone conferences in which the BBB requested further detail and explanatory data, most of which was provided to them. Nevertheless, the BBB’s highly negative early report and low company rating was published at that time when their Advertising Director concluded that our Company was not “cooperating” with their investigation..."

See the full commentary at our exclusive CSI versus the BBB blog:

CSI continues to thrive, don't miss out on this grand opportunity to get paid for simply writing down public data. Simple, easy and no selling home business.